
Professional Reader

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yep it's green

So I did some researching and have found some good recipes and ideas to jump start the eating more fruits and veggies. I started this a.m. when I stopped to get a coffee before work. I decided to jump in feet first and go with the green stuff. This drink has the following ingredients: 2 1/4 apples, 1/2 banana, 1/3 kiwi, 1/3 mango and pineapple, spirulina, chlorella, brocoli, spinach, ble green algae, garlic, barley grass, wheat grass, ginger, and parsley. If you drank it without looking at the color of the drink I don't even think you would know the ingredients. Just one way to get my fruits and veggies: drink them. Sorry don't think wine counts for your daily serving of grapes for the day. I'll keep you posted.

Forgot to tell you the drink is called green machine and it is made by Naked.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eating right - way harder than exercising for me :(

Warning- if you hate reading about a middle aged woman struggling with her eating lifestyle turn away from the page now- this one isn't for you.

So I have written down everything I've eaten over the last two days and decided I would share with you so a. you can feel good about your eating :) b. so I can look at what I need to change with my eating and c. to give you a laugh- yep dried apricots two days in a row- Oh NO!...
Breakfast: bowl of cheerios with 1/2 cup strawberries, coffee and 8 oz skim milk
Lunch: 6 (halves) pita whole wheat bread  with 1 cup humus, cucumber 1/2 cup, carrots 1/2 cup, 16 oz low calorie arnold palmer drink (1/2 tea, 1/2 lemonade)
Snack: 8 oz fat free instant french vanilla drink
Dinner: Olive Garden with Mason- 8 oz ice tea/lemonade, 3 bread sticks, 2 salad plates (size of my palm) of their yummy salad, 3/4 spaghetti with meat sauce
Bedtime snack: 5 dried Apricots and 8 oz hot cocoa ( low cal)

Breakfast: bowl of cheerios with 1/2 cup strawberries, coffee and 8 oz skim milk
Snack: Kashi Pumpkin granola bar and 12 oz fat free instant french vanilla
Lunch: 4 (halves) pita whole wheat bread with 1/2 cup humus, 16 oz low cal arnold palmer drink
Snack: 1 cup tortilla chips with 1/2 cup salsa
Dinner: 8 oz skim milk, three tacos ( hard shell- but not the really fatty ones :)), hamburger meat, refried beans, lettuce, shredded fiesta blend cheese and hot sauce on each taco approximately 1/4cup meat and beans on each taco
After dinner snack: 12 oz coffee and 4 dried apricots

O.k. I know, I know- way to many carbs ( next time I need to bag up individual portions of the pita so I don't keep dipping in the humus which isn't that bad for you, but 2 halves of pita are 170 calories, you add up my calories in just pita over the last two days- embarrassing), portions too large, and not enough veggies and fruits.  So now what- well after two days I recognize that I'm not drinking enough H2O (like I tell my patients to do all the time), and again I'm disappointed with the portion/carbs and lack of veggies and fruits.  Well in order to eat veggies and fruits you have to buy them and as we all know veggies and fruits don't last like carbs and processed food does in our fridge/kitchen so I will have to make weekly game plan for intake- UGH!  However, I know it will be worth it.  I'm better with all or nothing approach so I will give you update next week after I a. game plan my meals b. actually get to the store and buy produce and c. JUST DO IT!

The title of this Post is so true for me.  I really enjoy working out and enjoy the challenge of training, but I don't enjoy monitoring my intake.  However, I noticed after last year's 1/2 marathon I really didn't feel that great about body/weight even though I ran the fastest I've ever ran.  I'm getting older and I know I just can't "run it off" anymore.  I also have started to realize how my eating/choices really do impact my kids' eating patterns/food choices.  Hopefully my changes will also be an overall improvement for the whole family. 

Found a great Blog called Healthy Tipping Point which addresses a lot of nutrition/training issues.  She is my stature and realized about 5 years ago that even though her 5'3" frame was not over weight at 130 pounds she knew that her Healthy body size was less weight than that.  She really worked on her exercise and nutrition.  She lost about 10 lbs and became a vegetarian in the process.  Now no worries I don't see myself going Vegan in the near future, but I do think she has a lot of good advice for dealing with the struggle of finding your healthy tipping point. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Out on a date

Went out with mason tonight. Kate is in Florida with grandparents and matt was working late so decided mason and I would run some errands and go out for dinner. We had 2 gift cards (1 for chili's and 1 for olive garden). He picked olive garden. We had a nice meal talking about star wars ( he got to watch the original with matt this past weekend). We then went to the mall and he proceeded to tell Michael, my iPhone concierge at At&t, all about Butler's NCAA ride. He helped me pick out new running shoes at scheels. I'm so behind they don't carry my saucony ride 2. The newest saucony progrid 3 screams Ohio state colors, but luckily they had an old blue pair which will suit just fine. We ended our night by going to one of my favorite hangouts- coralville library. Picking out easy readers and talking the nonfiction library buyer into purchasing Mile Markers by Kristin Armstrong and Run like a mother by Dimty mcdowell and Sara Shea brown- highlights of our trip. Well he's in bed and I'm heading there soon dt early run tomorrow. Nice night and fun hanging out with my son. My heart smiled tonight when we got in the car after dinner and Mason said "thank you for taking me to dinner mom". Gotta love it.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Here is what I'm trying to do at least 2 times a week.  Abs and triceps definitely a little sore after the first day. 
Toned Up Triceps in 15 minutes: Real Simple By Sharon Tanenbaum
The Routine
To tone up the undersides of your arms (and prevent the dreaded wave—good-bye, wiggle), use this routine created by Alden Mills, a former Navy SEAL and a personal trainer in Mill Valley, California. Each move sculpts your triceps and the surrounding muscles. Aim for 12 to 15 repetitions of each exercise and three sets.

Standing wall push-upStanding wall push up:Standing at arm’s length from a wall, extend your arms so your hands are flat on the wall at shoulder height, with your thumbs touching each other. Inhale and, in one movement, press your body toward the wall as if doing a push-up. Exhale and push back to the original position, keeping your elbows close to your sides throughout.
Triceps dipTricep Dip: Sit on the edge of a chair or a bench with your knees bent and your hands on the bench, positioned wider than your hips. Lift your rear up and shift it toward your feet. Bend your arms to lower your body slowly, then lift back up, keeping your elbows as narrow as possible. For more of a challenge, straighten your legs out in front of you.
Biceps curl with triceps squeezeBiceps Curl with Tricep Squeeze: Hold a light weight (about five pounds) in each hand, with palms up and arms at your sides, then slowly raise the weights to your shoulders for a biceps curl. When your hands are at your shoulders, contract your triceps, then rotate your wrists, so your palms face out, away from you, and slowly press the weights down. Once your arms are straight, slightly lift them up, behind and away from you, and squeeze your triceps again to finish the move.

Core Workout A simple routine for time-pressed runners. By Dimity McDowell Published 07/07/2008 Runner's World

Three times a week I was supposed to do this 15-minute regimen, designed by Ivana Bisaro of Carmichael Training Systems. I usually got to it twice, but I felt rock solid by October. Start with two sets of 15 reps; add more sets when strength and time permit.

Squats With a Stability Ball
Rest a ball between your back and a wall; squat until your knees are bent 90 degrees.

Push-Ups With Ball
Rest your knees, shins, or toes on a ball.

Do them either regular or rest your back leg on a ball and just bend and straighten front knee. Great for balance.

Elbows under shoulders, abs tight, rest on toes, hold as long as possible. (I topped out at two sets of 1:45 holds.)

Triceps Dips
Rest your palms, fingers forward, on a table or chair, your heels on the ground, and bend your elbows until they're bent 90 degrees.

Sit-Ups on the Ball
The classic: feet flat on the floor, neck relaxed, abs the primary muscles working.

Back Extensions
Rest your torso on the ball and put toes on floor. Hands behind your neck, lean forward, then straighten your back.

Oblique Twists on Ball
Lift up and twist your right shoulder toward your left knee, then lower; repeat on other side.
Nutrition goal has been a little bumpier this week. Went to store this a.m. to look for fruits and veggies to stock the fridge with.  Bought small seedless watermelon, grapes, strawberries, apples, bananas, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, fresh green beans, and frozen veggies mixes. Even went to HyVee instead of Walmart for the produce.  Well the watermelon doesn't taste good (maybe because it isn't in season- you think :0) and the bag of grapes I picked out aren't that fresh either.  So a little disappointed I shelled out money for them, but I'm trying. 5 miler today so eating some spiral noodles, squash and spinach (Archer farms Target brand mix) for lunch. Pretty good, but no surprise, lacking squash and spinach, but not noodles. Probably need to make it from fresh and put more veggies in instead of noodles. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

This year: more than just running...

So it took me awhile, but I finally found some real life moms who aren't professional athletes that have blogs about being a mom and running.  One even has a "gear review every Thursday".  Anyways- I'm back to making some plans on how I'm going to do a better job training this year.  I've already picked my 3 day a week running plan schedule (see prior post) and now I'm deciding on some strength training exercises along with nutritional changes I need to make.  One thing that echoed through the "real life mom running" blogs was that almost all of the moms that run 4-5 days per week get up in the morning and run.  When I say get up in the morning I mean between 4:30 and 5:15 and are out the door.  As much as it pain me to realize this, I do realize that I will be doing the majority of my runs early morning in order to make this schedule work.  Tomorrow I will leave at 5:45 AM and do a 3 miler before work.  Wednesday AM another 3 miler before work and then Thursday late afternoon a 5 miler.  My running "partner in crime" and I have decided to help each other out with our longer mid week runs.  I will watch her three on Wednesdays around 5pm and she will watch my 2 on Thursdays around 3pm.  We are going to try this and see how it works out.  I'm picking out some core exercises with the stability ball and some upper body exercises to aid in toning my arms.  I'm hoping the strength training has dual purpose in my life not only to make me stronger runner, but also to get toned so I look "svelte" at my sister in-law's wedding at the end of May.  I'll let you know what strength training exercises I decide on with pictures tomorrow or Wed.  If anyone has any other great training/strength exercises let me know.

In regards to the nutrition component, this is going to be probably my hardest challenge and change to make.  As those who know me well know I love processed "WT" foods.  However, I've warded off pop/soda since Jan 3 and I've had no sweets/desserts since Ash Wednesday so I think those are two huge steps.  My next goal is to really up my intake of fruit and vegetables and work on my "bad" carb cravings.  One step at a time though- first keep running at minimum 3 days a week, with introduction of longer runs in the 3 day schedule (5 miles or greater), plan strength training plan and then tackle my diet.  My goal is to get this all nightly organized and in working process by the time I start my actual training schedule at the end of April.  That way I can really just concentrate on running and have the other stuff in place.  I'll let you know how it goes. 

Side note: 2 books I plan on looking at in near future....

Mile Markers by Kristin Armstrong 

Run like a mother: How to get moving and not lose your family, job, or sanity by Dimty Mc Dowell and Sarah Bown Shea
  Run Like a Mother: How to Get Moving--and Not Lose Your Family, Job, Or Sanity [Book]

Anyone interested in reading these with me let me know and we can do a little cyber/book/blogging.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

We're almost home

We left VA at 6:24 am. We arrived to Indiana around 4:30. The kids did well. My sister, father and I are all still talking to each other which is a good sign :). The time flew by and didn't get to do all we wanted to do but we did a lot. Amazing to me how much you learn about yourself as a parent - good and bad- when traveling with kids. I'm so thankful for the great place we stayed. It was magical to hear Mason say "I get to milk the cows tomorrow". He is me. So many more great lines, but for another day. Goodnight- only three more days and back in Iowa.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 3

I started my morning with a run. Saw a full rainbow during the run. Hoped it would be a sign of a great day. So far it has been. We went this morning to Handley library with kids and dad. It is the library I talked about in earlier post. The one my mom use to take my sister and I to during our long vacations in the summer. We are off to Woodstock, VA to visit my aunt Nancy. Can't believe we head back to Indiana tomorrow.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 2- do over

Tried sending this earlier so it didn't go through so trying again. We've had a busy day started the morning off with fresh eggs and sausage from the farm: good old biscuits n gravy, eggs and strawberries. Then we headed on a hike to papa henry's. Kids had fun picking up sticks to take back with us to make a fire in our fireplace. Had lunch with uncle Wayne. Kids watched the cows get milked again. Then off to Ihop for dinner with my aunt Arlene, uncle Wayne, aunt Brenda and uncle Clayton. Now sitting by the fire and finishing the night off. Goodnight from hedgebrook farm.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

We're here

The kids did great and we arrived at 4:30pm. The house is great. The farm,that the house is a part of, is everything I hoped it would be. We were able to stand in the milking barn and watch the jersey cows get milked. Kids loved it but even more I think it meant a lot to my dad who grew up milking cows (holstein) his whole childhood. Papa Henry is in good spirits and enjoyed sharing his senior yearbook with us. The kids are in bed and hopefully will sleep well in our lovely log cabin home. More tomorrow- goodnight from Winchester,VA.

Almost forgot -the farmer Kitty Berg knew we were city folk when the kids jumped out of the mini van and started running to the cows yelling "cows,cows !". You would have thought they had never seen cows before.

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Are we there yet?

So we are 4 1/2 hours into our trip to Virginia for spring break. We are in my least favorite state Ohio- mile marker 184. Kids did great this a.m. they let me drive 2 hours before we stopped for breakfast. Aunt Melissa started The Swiss Family Robinson- our chapter book to read on this trip with big kids. Little kids have been staying busy with stickers. We estimated we have enough stickers that the 4 kids could put a sticker somewhere every 2 minutes of the trip going to Virginia. I'll keep you posted on the sticker count.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blogging email

This is my first attempt at sending post via email. Here is what we've done today: slept in, played outside, read a lot, and played, played, played. Trying to wear the cousins out for our road trip to Winchester Virginia tomorrow.

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Running on empty...

My husband told me quite a few years ago that I constantly said/say "I'm tired".  Well today is not much different.  Today my tired state come from multiple causes, but primary culprit was Kate who got up at 2am and was basically in and out of her new big girl toddler bed until I said "enough- you have to go in with her I've been up since 2am (now 3:38 am)" to my husband breathing easily next to me.  He proceeded to get the sleeping bag and go and sleep in her room next to her toddler bed.  He actually likes sleeping on the floor so I didn't feel too bad.  Plus I needed sleep.

Next thing I knew it was 5:45 and my alarm was awakening me.  I had a morning run to do.  I got up and met my running partner/partner in crime :) at 6 am and started our 4 mile journey.  About half way through the run she started not feeling well, thought to be in part due to not eating dinner after her exercise class the night before.  So we walked.  We have a good running relationship, one in which she and I never feel pressure to keep up with each other.  So if one wants to keep running and not walk that person does and there are no hard feelings.  Today, I didn't keep running I walked.  I felt drained from the lack of sleep early that a.m.  Granted I am using that as a heavy excuse, but really I was tired.  I've been spending my evenings, many way too late, getting things ready for my upcoming road trip east with the kids, my sister, her two kids and my dad in our mini van.  I've been making the kids binders with all sorts of activities to keep them busy during the trip.  I've been making playlists for the car ride.  The one I put together last night was all of my favorite soundtrack songs (minus Disney movies- that's its own playlist) and 138 songs later I was done. 

So the whole point of this post is to make me start to be accountable for my own tiredness.  If I want to be more energized, run well and not be a cranky mom or wife I need to make rest/sleep a priority.  This means knowing that every night I like to read minimum of 30 minutes, maximum 1 hour and so I need to get myself to bed at a decent time.  I also need afternoons like today when I could've run around the house cleaning (sorry Matthew layer of dust still present on piano), but instead I watched Big Ten basketball, surfed Internet for blogs with running, mom, books in the title, and now am doing this post .  This of course all before I head out to pick up Mason and start our trip East.   I'll keep you posted on how getting better rest/sleep is, especially considering the trip/week I have a head of me.  I know lofty goals :).

Thursday, March 10, 2011

More Movies

So all of the above are probably my top favorite old Bond movies.  I love Sean Connery and Roger Moore.  I actually could watch any Bond movie.  I  really enjoy when TNT, TBS, or SPIKE has a Bond Marathon.  I think the only Bond movie I don't think I've seen is On Her Majesty's Secret Service.  I don't know what it is about these movies, but I have always enjoyed espionage, mystery, action yet with story line and not killing someone every other second. These movies don't have all the F$*#& bombs that now a day actions do nor the gore some have. Yes at times Sean and Roger can be pigs to the ladies, but there are some great Bond Ladies- won't mention their names here or you might doubt me (o.k. one of my favorite's Pussy Galore- I know, I know not the typical feminine heroine I normally root for).   The new bond movies are great too- again I really could sit and watch Bond movies all day.  As my music is very eccentric so are my movies.  I have a wide genre of movies as you will see.  Thought these old movie posters were great- maybe that will be my next decorating theme for our next home's TV room- vintage movie posters.  If you are looking for some mindless movie watching rent these and enjoy!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Twas the Night before Ash Wednesday...

and all through the house I looked and looked for sweets and candy to say goodbye to or eat :).

Yep- that time of year where I'm giving something up for Lent.  Nope, I'm not Catholic, but I've always tried to follow this Lenten ritual.  This year I decided on Sweets (candy, cookies, donuts, etc).  It should be interesting.  I've already given up pop (last fountain soda January 3rd).  My father in-law didn't know I had given up pop/soda and bought me Diet Green River this past week.  For those of you who aren't familiar this is a syrupy lime soda that has been around a long time, you are missing out on a real treat.  People use to go to fountain/soda shops and order Green Rivers.  You can still get a real Green River from the Soda/Ice cream Parlor at the Iowa State Fair.  So my goal is if I keep up the no soda I can have a green river when I go to this year's state fair. So I have pawned off the Diet Green River on 2 cardiologists I work with.  We'll see if they appreciate the drink as much as I do.

O.k. back to the sweets- hopefully giving up sweets will start to change my diet in prep for trying to be healthier during this upcoming marathon training season.  I'm known for my love of "fair foods" or "junk food" and all of us know that this probably isn't going to cut it if I want to improve on my time for this year's marathon.  I'll keep you posted on the "no sweets" over the next 40 days.  If I'm appearing cranky or crabby this may explain the mood. 

Monday, March 7, 2011


The La Salle Bank Chicago Marathon closed in record time for registration (31 days) this year.  Matt and I are both signed up and so I start my planning for the upcoming year's marathon.  Here is some background for those who don't know my running history... In 2003 I signed up with Matt to participate in the Chicago Marathon.  Unfortunately Matt was unable to run due to injury.  I too was injured during training (thought I stress fractured my foot, got a steroid injection- took 4 weeks off, missed my long run) but was able to finish the race, which was my goal.  My time was 5:15 (hr:min) pace of 12:03 (min mile) overall finish was 27,092, and for women 10,583.  Three years later, one year after having Mason, I ran in 2006 finished 4:32, pace 10:25, overall finish 19,908 and for women 6,866.  Three years later 2009, one year after having Kate, I finished in 4:23, pace of 10:03, overall 16,904 and for women 5,468.  I share this not to show you how slow I am, but rather to remind myself with age and more children I've gotten faster not slower.

I was so excited to find the front cover of my women's running magazine this month had a headline "train for a marathon running 3 days a week". I thought this was a sign.  I had been contemplating following Hal Higdon's 3 day a week training program for marathon this year.  Hal Higdon is known for his knowledge about the Chicago Marathon and has marathon training schedules for all abilities.  I have followed his beginner's training schedule for every marathon I've run.  The trying to fit runs in 4 days a week plus cross training makes me crabby just writing about it and so I was super excited to find Hal had a 3 day a week running training program.  The article in my women's running magazine was less than desirable.  The training schedule was filled with acronyms and a lot of run for 3 minutes at this tempo and then go to this tempo stuff- I don't like the complicated schedules some runners follow and instead prefer plain old mileage schedules.  You'll hear more about the training schedule when it gets closer.

I have read some good running books and here they are in case you are ever have thought about starting up running or training for anything.  The first one was my first ever book of running which I read prior to my marathon in 2003.  The second one is a book I read last summer and really enjoyed.  So the planning an prep start- hope to again improve on time and rank this year, but as always hope to just finish. 

<em>No Need for Speed</em>: A Beginner's Guide to the Joy of Running [<em>Book</em>]  No Need for Speed: A Beginner's Guide to the Joy of Running by John Bingham

Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running: The Best Advice to Get Started, Stay Motivated, Lose Weight, Run Injury-Free, Be Safe, and Train for Any Distance (Runner's World Complete Books)  by Dagny Scott Barrios

Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running: The Best Advice to Get Started, Stay Motivated, Lose Weight, Run Injury-Free, Be Safe, and Train for Any Distance (Runner's World Complete Books) 

Here is the training schedule for anyone interested...

Hal Higdon'sMARATHON

Marathon 3
Stepback weeks are indicated in blue
Nonobligatory races in red



3 mi

Bike: 30 min


3 mi

6 mi
60 min
4 mi
Bike: 30 min
30 min
7 mi
60 min
3 mi
Bike: 30 min
3 mi
5 mi
60 min
5 mi
Bike: 35 min
3 mi
9 mi
65 min
5 mi
Bike: 35 min
35 min
10 mi
65 min
4 mi
Bike: 35 min
4 mi
8 mi
65 min
6 mi
Bike: 40 min
4 mi
12 mi
70 min
7 mi
Bike: 40 min
40 min
13 mi
70 min
5 mi
Bike: 40 min
5 mi
7 mi
Bike: 45 min
4 mi
15 mi
75 min
8 mi
Bike: 45 min
45 min
16 mi
75 min
6 mi
Bike: 45 min
6 mi
8 mi
Bike: 50 min
5 mi
17 mi
80 min
9 mi
Bike: 50 min
50 min
18 mi
80 min
6 mi
Bike: 50 min
6 mi


13 mi


80 min

9 mi
Bike: 55 min
6 mi


Race: Half Marathon
10 mi
Bike: 55 min
55 min
20 mi
85 min
7 mi
Bike: 55 min
7 mi
14 mi
85 min
10 mi
Bike: 60 min
7 mi
20 mi
90 min
8 mi
Bike: 60 min
8 mi


10 mi
Bike: 60 min
60 min
Run: 20 mi
90 min
6 mi
Bike: 50 min
6 mi
12 mi
75 min
4 mi
Bike: 40 min
4 mi
8 mi
60 min
2 mi
Bike: 30 min
1-2 mi
Marathon Race