
Professional Reader

Monday, March 21, 2011

This year: more than just running...

So it took me awhile, but I finally found some real life moms who aren't professional athletes that have blogs about being a mom and running.  One even has a "gear review every Thursday".  Anyways- I'm back to making some plans on how I'm going to do a better job training this year.  I've already picked my 3 day a week running plan schedule (see prior post) and now I'm deciding on some strength training exercises along with nutritional changes I need to make.  One thing that echoed through the "real life mom running" blogs was that almost all of the moms that run 4-5 days per week get up in the morning and run.  When I say get up in the morning I mean between 4:30 and 5:15 and are out the door.  As much as it pain me to realize this, I do realize that I will be doing the majority of my runs early morning in order to make this schedule work.  Tomorrow I will leave at 5:45 AM and do a 3 miler before work.  Wednesday AM another 3 miler before work and then Thursday late afternoon a 5 miler.  My running "partner in crime" and I have decided to help each other out with our longer mid week runs.  I will watch her three on Wednesdays around 5pm and she will watch my 2 on Thursdays around 3pm.  We are going to try this and see how it works out.  I'm picking out some core exercises with the stability ball and some upper body exercises to aid in toning my arms.  I'm hoping the strength training has dual purpose in my life not only to make me stronger runner, but also to get toned so I look "svelte" at my sister in-law's wedding at the end of May.  I'll let you know what strength training exercises I decide on with pictures tomorrow or Wed.  If anyone has any other great training/strength exercises let me know.

In regards to the nutrition component, this is going to be probably my hardest challenge and change to make.  As those who know me well know I love processed "WT" foods.  However, I've warded off pop/soda since Jan 3 and I've had no sweets/desserts since Ash Wednesday so I think those are two huge steps.  My next goal is to really up my intake of fruit and vegetables and work on my "bad" carb cravings.  One step at a time though- first keep running at minimum 3 days a week, with introduction of longer runs in the 3 day schedule (5 miles or greater), plan strength training plan and then tackle my diet.  My goal is to get this all nightly organized and in working process by the time I start my actual training schedule at the end of April.  That way I can really just concentrate on running and have the other stuff in place.  I'll let you know how it goes. 

Side note: 2 books I plan on looking at in near future....

Mile Markers by Kristin Armstrong 

Run like a mother: How to get moving and not lose your family, job, or sanity by Dimty Mc Dowell and Sarah Bown Shea
  Run Like a Mother: How to Get Moving--and Not Lose Your Family, Job, Or Sanity [Book]

Anyone interested in reading these with me let me know and we can do a little cyber/book/blogging.

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