
Professional Reader

Thursday, December 27, 2012

What a Christmas

I think someone is trying to tell me that i need to stay low this Xmas. The picture above could be our family's symbol of this past Xmas. My daughter got sick Xmas eve night and it was a long night and early Xmas morning. She rallied on Xmas day and I thought all was on the mend. Then last night illness hit her again. Then hubby got ill and so I'm exhausted. I'm tired from just lying around, bleaching everything, and doing laundry.

Last night when my daughter was crying about being sick again it struck me how I don't know how mom and dads do it with chronically ill kids. It made me stop and think that this minor bump in the road is just that a minor bump. I'm trying to be more patient and let life be and not force a certain life- like if my family is sick we need to hang low: play with our Xmas toys, watch movies, and read books.

It has been an interesting Xmas. I'm ok with it though because I'm with those I most love and think I'm doing what I've needed to do for awhile- a whole lot of nothing.

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  1. We are similarly infirmed. Son has flu that brought along croup (started Monday), and Santa brought Daddy a good case of the flu with the world's most annoying cough. All I got was a measley case of strep. :(
    Hope you're all better ASAP!!

  2. On the mend. Hope your house is germ free soon!
