
Professional Reader

Thursday, May 2, 2013

April Reads

It was a nice month of reading.  I read a variety of books. 

The chapter book I read with the kids this month was "Little House in the Big Woods" by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  They both really enjoyed it and I enjoyed the peaceful, pleasant, non-violence wording that was heard when I read.   The book didn't "latch onto my heart" like it did when I was young, but I am older now so I think just being pleasantly happy with reading it a second time to my kids and them liking it was just as good.

Book club book: "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn.  Strange, Strange, Strange.  I didn't know anything about this book and I really didn't want to read the cover, because I wanted to be surprised.  Well- I was.  It was a interesting story, but I'm not sure I'll be reading any of her other work, because per two other highly credible "Bookies" (one read her first two, the other had to stop midway through one) they reported her earlier works were even darker.  Again, always amazed with people's ability to come up with story lines like these.

"The Silver Linings Playbook" by Matthew Quick was another surprise story read for me.  I had seen all the fun previous on the TV with the great song by the Lumineers playing in the background, but the story caught me off guard.  I just didn't know what it was about and so the previews for the movie had lead me to believe a different story line.  Anyways, it was good and I enjoyed it, but again I want to ask Matthew Quick does he personally know or has he personally gone through mental health issues, because I felt like he wrote about the mental health perspective of daily living pretty realistically.  However, unlike "Gone Girl" I will likely read another of his books again.  I will definitely be going to "Red Box" sometime soon to rent the movie. 

"Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith" by Anne Lamott was picked because I just so enjoyed that first book I read by her "Traveling Mercies...".  This one was just as good and had some great lines/quotes, but this month I took off from writing words from books down and just read for the sheer joy of reading.  Pick it up- it has some great views on religion in "real life" terms. 

Lastly, I read  "A Trick of Light" by Louise Penny.  This is the 7th in the Armande Gamache mysteries and I enjoyed it.  I always enjoy her Armande Gamache mysteries when they take place in this quaint town called "Three Pines".  It was totally enjoyable and she writes a non-gory mystery well. 

So off to another month- started the 8th in the Armande Gamache series, reading "The Doll People" to the kids which is great! and  my book club book is "A Fierce Radiance" by Lauren Belfer.  Can't wait to find out what else I read this month. 

Not that anyone has to respond, but do you have a favorite adult book? kid book?  Always, interested in what others find "the best".  Happy Reading!

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