
Professional Reader

Thursday, April 24, 2014

World Book Night and Luna Fest- all in one day!

This week has been really kind of up and down for me. 

Sunday weighed myself and was horrified at the scale- now probably not the smartest time to being weighing myself- after the weekend of indulging, but I wanted to see the honest truth- and the honest truth was I'd gained back quite a bit of the weight I'd lost back in January.  Could it be the sugary treats, cookies, candy, alongside the adult beverages, and added carbs (although most whole wheat, still more than I probably need).  Now one friend was kind when I was telling her this and asked could it be muscle weight- maybe it could be, but I think based on my overall guilt for my poor eating habits of late I'd have to lean towards the weight being more likely due to eating not working out.

So then Monday flew by as it always does and by Tuesday morning when I went out to do my 5 mile run and could only do 3 because the outside of my right knee was irritating me- a pain I couldn't quite put my finger on. I knew Tuesday was going to be not the best day.  My mood was so "Debbie Downer" that day.  I even told my hubby that I was so frustrated with my mood because I have it so good- great family (hubby and kids- both have been great lately :), beautiful home, great extended family and wonderful Peeps, a job, and hobbies I love (reading, training, and writing). I also had a great day ahead of me on Wednesday- lunch with some NP students (love being around students, because most of the time they remind me about how exciting my profession is), World Book Night- giving "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed away to 20 Iowa City Shelter House clients, and ending the night with 14 of my friends watching Luna Fest films- films made for, made by and about women- fundraiser for one of my fav causes: "Girls On The Run"- Eastern Iowa.   So what was my deal.  My "black and white, Mr. Logic" hubby's answer- "Life has its ups and downs".  Guess Tuesday was a down day.

Wednesday started off better.  Rode the trainer for 30 minutes and watched music videos on MTV- yep they still have music videos you just have to watch MTV at 5:30 a.m.  Then off to work, followed by lunch with the NP students, and then back to work, and quick stop at home before the World Book Night and then back out to Iowa City Shelter House.  When I got there they had a little Welcome sign and clients were waiting my presentation.  I had made my own cookies as an added "lure" into reading/ wanting the book.  I have to say they were pretty good Monster Cookies and two of the guys took the book, I'm pretty sure just for the cookies, but they are in the hands of someone who otherwise wouldn't have had this book or any book for that matter.  It was a wonderful experience and I feel selfish in the way in which the giving of the book made me feel so good- it was suppose to be about giving and passing on my passion of reading to others, but I left with big smile on my face.  I introduced myself and the point behind World Book Night- you apply to be a giver by stating what book you would like to give (they have a list of about 40- ranging from nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and YA), you then write where you would like to give your book and why.  Then I decided what better way to get a person to read a book, but by telling some of the story.  So I read the back cover which recaps briefly what the book is about, but then I read about the first 3 pages of the Prologue.  Several of the women I gave the book to thought it sounded interesting and I truly believe they are going to read it.  I loved this story and so went so far as to offer to come back to have a "book club" with the clients about the book.

Then off to Luna Fest.  It is such a fun and positive event.  The appetizers were wonderful (cupcakes, fruits, veggies, cheese, salsa, etc) and adult beverages :).  But the best part of the night, other than these great short films ( go to to watch the trailer) was the meeting of many different facets of my life: church friends, bookies, training buddies, work friends.  So fun to see them all interact and enjoy each other's company.  Plus it was a great way to support my love for running along side empowering women to be strong and independent.  Girls on the Run Eastern Iowa has 28 school currently involved in the program and it is amazing to think about where many of these GOTR girls will end up in the future having had this great experience to participate with others and not only become a runner (goal at the end of the 10 week session is to run 5K), but also to build on friendships with girls, while also building a girl's own self esteem and knowing her self worth.  The films were superb too.  All very different, with different messages/themes, but you could pull from each of them some echo of empowerment, understanding, communication, camaraderie and friendship that is so needed if a girl. 

Up and Down life goes, but so lucky to have so many more Up days then Down. 

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