
Professional Reader

Monday, March 7, 2016

February Reads

I've been trying to put off writing this post intentionally.  You see I had about two pages worth of notes I had taken while reading "My Life on the Road" by Gloria Steinem.  I was so excited to share so many good quotes, but then I couldn't find the notes.  I still can't find the notes.  I am going to call it quits on looking for them in hopes that they will reappear as soon as I put this post up.  I also like to wonder is someone trying to tell me "let them read the book themselves- don't give away all the greatness".

So here is the book list and the reviews, not very long because one book I already highlighted in the month of February because I just couldn't wait it was that good (no idea why I didn't do the same with the Steinem book).  Happy Reading- sorry I lost the notes Gloria!

Dead Man's Best Friend (A Dog and His Girl Mysteries, #2)

Dead Man's Best Friend (A Dog and His Girl Mysteries, #2)

by Jane B. Mason *
This book is the second in the series and my daughter loves the books, the girl Cassie is a great strong heroine any kid should be proud to read about.  Her dog isn't too shabby either.  This book was a tad bit darker than the first one.  The premise behind this book is Dodge, the dog, who just happens to be an ex police dog, is reliving his partner's death.  The partner just happens to be Cassie's Uncle Mark.  It is somewhat a reinvestigation of past evidence and crime. I have enjoyed these books, especially because my daughter is no reading every other page with me. 

My Life on the Road
My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem
Totally bummed I can't find these darn notes.  There was so much to share.  So many great stories, words of wisdom, quotes I just can't believe the notes are missing.  I can say that before this book I knew very little about Gloria Steinem.  I knew she was dubbed a major feminist, which that word for some reason has always sounded so negative to me.  However, I have a new appreciation for what that word means and definitely respect Gloria Steinem and what she has accomplished and spoken out for in regard to women, those of lower socioeconomic status, and different ethnicity.  Amazing woman!  Read it and let me know if you find any of my notes/sheets of paper in your book.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
Already talked about this one.  So far I've followed her instructions to organize in categories, not by rooms, and have organized my clothes, my daughter's and son's clothes and our books.  I'm obviously needing to move onto her next category- Paper- as I can't seem to find those papers that are important to me :).

Life, Love and Other Mysteries
Life, Love, and Other Mysteries by Stone Fauks
I'm slowly, but surely figuring out that poetry can be enjoyable to read.  I think you have to find the poetry that works best for you, or the words that speak most honestly to you.  This book did!  Here is one poem I just really loved...

Dream and Do
Everything that has or will be accomplished
starts out as a thought,
Then becomes an idea, then a vision, then an action.
Dead visions can be resurrected, revived and fulfilled.
The only hindrance is your willingness
to be diligent to see it through.

to dream, plan, study and do.
Quick read with some life applicable poetry. I think if your are hesitant to dive into poetry this book would be an excellent place to start. 

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