Today I start my last week of training pre Pigman Long 70.3.
Even though this week ends with 16 weeks of training, I really feel like I have been training since January 2014: buying a rode bike and trainer for basement, joining IA HEAT (tri group), signing up for Pigman Short, and Long, learning how to swim more efficiently, and learning how to swim longer, learning how to be confident on rode bike, along with the continued long runs and lifelong learning of how to balance being mom, wife, athlete, professional, etc.
So last week of training before the "taper week" was o.k.
Total Miles: 50.14 miles
Swim: 1.14 mile
Bike: 31 miles
Run:18 miles
I came down from my Triathlon Age Group Win "high" fast when coming home from work on Monday and having a horrible headache, eating soup and heading to bed early (9 pm) Monday became my "rest day". Tuesday I ended up running after work and was suppose to run 5 miles. I didn't have a headache, but instead had the worse abdominal gas pains/cramps of my life. If I could of I would have gladly "let out some gas", but nothing happened so I tortured myself for about 4.7 miles before giving in and calling it a night. Another night of soup crackers, and to bed by 9pm. Wednesday I ran 5 miles in a "turtle pace" again after work. No gas pains, but just felt BLAH. Followed up by Thursday morning bike of 31 miles. Considering the days before this I was happy to have put in some decent miles. Saturday I did my long run of 8 miles again at a slower pace and ended the training week with 2000 yds of pool fun.
My confidence right now is not super. I have slacked off in my swimming and biking and at the same time know that I really can't do a whole lot about it right now. I just have to hope I've trained enough to get me through on Saturday. It seems so surreal to write that- this Saturday- YIKES!
So this week is kind of a hodge-podge of activities- a little swim, bike,run one day, and another day of just bike and another of just run. I'm planning on resting as much as I can, along with staying hydrated and eating well/carbing up. I told someone at church this past Sunday that I wouldn't be able to be there this coming week because of the race- I told her to pray for me- would tell you to do the same.
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