
Professional Reader

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mommy's Project 52: smelly

So I know I'm a week behind, but I'm forging on. I could give you a bunch of excuses why this mommy's project topic is a week late (travel, not totally into this topic, kids activities 3 out of 5 nights this week, laundry), but I wont't :). Instead I find that some of my least favorite mommy's project topics make me think outside the box. For instance, if the topic had been smell that is a whole nother subject. I could write about good smells (homemade cookies right out of the oven, clean sheets blowing in the wind on my mom's laundry line growing up, Tropicana suntan oil- brings me back to afternoons at the pool with friends and family during junior high and high school) and bad smells ( worms, the powder they put on barf in public places, days old milk molding in sippy cup found under seat in van). But alas the minute I heard "smelly" I thought of Phoebe from "Friends" singing and playing guitar in "Central Perk" ( at least I think that was the name of the coffee shop). She was singing "Smelly Cat". This song was hilarious and fit her persona to a key. Remembering that song made me realize how far I've come from college to now- where has Thursday night TV gone too?

Back in the day (college)I would watch Friends, Seinfeld and ER on a Thursday night. Once out of the dorms and living in apartment my two roomies and I made Thursday night our taco/TV night. We'd make tacos and basically watch TV for 2+ hours. So flash forward- it is Thursday night and there isn't a single thing I really care to watch. Instead I'm planning on folding laundry and watching and old black n white on my computer in the confines of my bed. It is an O.K. Change, but hearing "smelly" made me think of my good old "friends" from "Friends"- that "smelly cat" song will be with me for life as will those college taco/TV Thursdays. Because as you know when you watch a show(s) chronically with friends you interact and learn more about those peeps sitting next to you then you ever will about the peeps in that lit up box in front of you. So glad Mommy's project leader picked this topic- don't think this was what she was going for, but traveling down memory lane sure is good.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun memory! Love Smelly Cat, makes me laugh every time!
