
Professional Reader

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mommy's project 52: dreasing

No big surprise I pick out what I'm going to wear the night before and sometimes I line up my work week outfits for all three days. Even when not working I still have tomorrow's outfit picked out the night before. I do this for the kids too. However, my daughter is starting to come up with her fashion style and doesn't always agree with what I have picked out for her to wear.

Dressing every day is not a huge part of my day. On days I go to gym or run before work I've been known to shower, dress and leave house/gym in 15 min/10 if really pushing it. I only seem to "dress" my face when I have blemishes (aka zits) or during winter. I love my summer face which requires no dressing.

Yes I can get dressed fast but I do feel better in some of my outfits than others. The nice- more business-like outfit gives me a better/ more confident feel at work. Don't know why I don't dress up every work day, but that just wouldn't be me.

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